Update from Annual Meeting of 9-17-2005

1.      All board members were present except Gilmartin (family emergency).

2.     13 members were recorded on sign in sheet.

3. Vrazel read minutes from last annual meeting.  Roland corrected one mistake regarding dues.  Regular dues were $275 unless paid early at $250 discount.

4.     Roland welcomed all and reported membership at 86 families.  She reported many improvements made over the year and thanked all volunteers by name.  A general thankyou to all the painters and landscapers.  She named all the colunteers who have been participatind on the management team (M. Gianneto, C. VanDuyne, P. Gilmartin, M. Catanese, J. R)

5. Toy Run also recognized as another success thanks to the PA independent Bikers (Straus, Aikens, Flax & Rutherford families!)

6.     Other successful events were Halloween, 4th of July, Luau, Superbowl tailgate party, Italian Night, Open House...  Roland also reminded everyone they needed to send in their RSVPs for the Free dinner Dance.  It would be cancelled if not more than 40 people responded.  Every one would know by Monday.

7. VanDuyne gave the treasurerÕs report.  3 handouts Ð P&L (shows income and expenses for the year), P&L Budget Overview and a Balance Sheet(includes assets and liabilities not shown on the P&L).  Fiscal year ends this month so 2 weeks are missing. 

8. We gained 15 new members from the 3 year deal.  But also lost some.  Went from 89 to 86 (57 charter, 15 regular, 14 (3 year).  And insurance increased.  $25 increase in dues. 

9.     Budget was voted on, Danny catanese motioned to accept, Janet Straus seconded and all were in favor.

10.   When taxes were discussed, member Owen Straus volunteered to share a simple formula he used in his business Ð they promised to meet together.

11.   vanDuyne also discussed the management teamÕs idea to recycle Ð sould love volunteers to make a commitment to that?!?!

12.  Explained how any member doing things for clubhouse gets reinbursed because no member should have to spend money out of their own pocket for this place.

13.   Informed all that Strand Pool supplies professionally closes up our pool for the winter and they guarantee their work.

14.  Member John Mills offered the idea of owing our own propane tanks when discussing how to cut down on that expense.  Reilly said he would look into it.

15.   VanDuyne concluded that after 6 years we were current with our bills and not operating in negative numbers!

16.  Floor was opened for suggestions:  Main need was to get Kids back Ð Roland asked for a volunteer for Kids Klub (J.Kraiber would think about it) Ð Offer a 2 week pass to the pool in card form for residents who have notcome to see the place?! Member Mary Avo asked if any major expense for the next year.  Owen pointed out the ceiling Ð all agreed perhaps sheet rock could be used since current material not available.

17.   Roland informed all about new assessment for taxes, problem was assessing wetlands.  She also spoke about upcoming improvements for the bar Ð a wood floor!

18.   Quarterly meeting would continue with board updates displayed on bulletin boards.

19.  Roland reminded all about the New policy in the bar with complaint form, please use them and we have an official and legal paper trail.

20.  John Mills asked about the dock.  Roland responded that the board had already approved and told the dock committee to go ahead Ð she has not heard anything further.  Mills stated he was part of the committee and would check into whatÕs holding them up.

21.  Halloween party was on and volunteer meeting would be planning it.

22. VanDuyne stated more signs like the breakfast billboard were in the makings.

23.  Mary Avo motioned to close the meeting, Danny catenese seconded Ð all were in favor!